Saturday, July 31, 2010

Saat Terakhir Igo, CINTA Citra

News Online - Saat Terakhir Igo, CINTA Citra. Igo dan Citra semakin mempertunjukan sebuah kedasyatan tadi malam di Indonesian Idol 2010. Grand Final Indonesian Idol 2010 Indonesia memilih Igo dari Ambon dan Citra dari Yogyakarta.

Igo dalam penampilan aksi panggungnya semalam di RCTI membawakan lagu Andai Aku Bisa by Chrisye Serta lagu Saat Terakhir by ST 12 yang menjadi The Best Performance Igo selama ini. Sebaliknya Citra melantunkan tembang Pernah Muda nya Bunga Citra Lestari dan C.I.N.T.A by D'Bagindas. Citra dengan genre bosasnya mampu menyulap lagu melayu CINTA dengan begitu sempurna. Selain itu Igo dan Citra melantunkan lagu Kemenangan Cinta yang diciptakan Anang Hermansyah.

Source Picture :

Friday, July 30, 2010

Foto Bugil Tina Talisa Beredar di Facebook

Foto Bugil Tina Talisa. Siapa yang tak kenal Tina Talisa, yup Tina Talisa adalah salah satu reporter TV One. Kabar beredar adanya Foto Bugil Tina Talisa di jejaring sosial Facebook.

Maraknya Kasus Foto bugil di facebook akhir akhir ini semakin merajalela khusnya di negeri ini,,

Baru baru ini juga lagi hangat hangatnya dibicarakan Foto Vulgar Tora Sudiro tersebar di Internet. Dan saat ini giliran presenter cantik di salah satu televisi swasta "Tina Talisa". Ada 6 buah Foto bugil Tina Talisa Di fan page facebook tina talisa.

Dari pihak Management Tina Talisa membantah kebenaran berita miring tersebut, dan Foro bugil tina talisa di ragukan keasliannya. Pernyataan bahwa foto bugil dalam akun facebook bukanlah Tina Talisa. papar management Tina Talisa (Tia Tamara). Tina tamara juga meminta agar si penyebar foto tak senonoh yang mengatasnamakan Foto Bugil Tina Talisa tersebut untuk menghapus dari akun tersebut.

Akun facebook penggemar presenter acara 'Apa Kabar Indonesia Malam' itu kini memiliki 18,579 fans. Dalam akun itu, foto Tina berkacamata sedang memegang microphone menjadi foto profile dalam akun facebook itu.

Lupakan sejenak kabar miring tentang adanya Foto Bugil Tina Talisa di Facebook.

Berikut profile Tina Talisa yang di sadur dari akun fan page Tina Talisa di FB :
Dalam tab info, dituliskan affiliation Tina adalah News Presenter. Ada nomor telepon juga yang dipublis dalam akun itu, yakni +628121075334. Dalam akun itu juga dituliskan, Tina lahir pada 24 Desember 1979.
Personal information dalam akun itu tertulis; Tina Talisa adalah Lulusan Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung tahun 2001. Dia juga mantan finalis Puteri Indonesia 2003, juara I Mojang Jawa Barat 2003 dan juara I Mojang Kota Bandung 2002.
Ketertarikannya di dunia broadcasting berawal saat bekerja di Radio Paramuda dan Radio Mustika. Karir news presenternya dimulai pada Agustus 2004 di TransTV. Pada Juni 2007, pindah ke Lativi yang sejak tahun 2008 berubah menjadi stasiun TV dengan fokus berita dan olahraga dengan nama TVOne.
Saat ini Tina Talisa sedang kuliah di Program Magister Ilmu Komunikasi di Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Padjajaran, Bandung.
Foto Bugil Tina Talisa TV One Dalam Wall di akun facebook itu kini ramai komentar dari para penggemar Tina Talisa. Terkait dengan adanya 6 foto bugil wanita yang mirip dengan Tina Talsia dalam album fotonya. Tampak di Foto wanita mirip reporter Tina Talisa reporter TV One itu sedang berpose tiduran di atas tempat tidur. Dari beberapa sumber mengatakan pemasang keenam foto itu adalah seorang pengguna Facebook lain, atas nama Dewi Rusmini. Tidak jelas siapa Dewi ini, namun foto akunnya bertubuh kekar bak binaragawan, dengan kepala seorang perempuan

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Keong Racun Shinta and Jojo video

Shinta dan Jojo di video klip Keong Racun.
JAKARTA, - Pengguna Twitter di seluruh dunia bisa jadi bertanya-tanya, Selasa (27/7/2010), sore ini karena muncul "Keong Racun" di jajaran atas trending topics. Saat berita ini ditulis, kata kunci tersebut sudah di peringkat kedua.

Keong Racun rupanya judul sebuah lagu dangdut. Nah lho, bagaimana bisa begitu terkenal sehingga sampai menjadi pembicaraan hangat di Twitter?

Hal tersebut ternyata dipicu munculnya sebuah video klip lagu tersebut yang dibawakan dua gadis ABG (anak baru gede) di YouTube berdurasi 5.14 menit. Mereka menamakan dirinya Shinta dan Jojo. Meski hanya membawakan lipsync saja, tingkah keduanya yang kelihatannya merekam menggunakan kamera web menarik perhatian netter.

"Mantaaap... kalian lucu banget yah," komentar salah satu pengguna YouTube. "Nice... you'r cute abis girls...bolehlah bikin ane kehibur," lanjut tulisan lainnya. "Kreatif."

Dari data di YouTube, video tersebut sebenanrnya sudah diunggah sejak 23 Juni 2010. Namun, baru ramai dibicarakan di Twitter hari ini. Sebelumnya, video tersebut menjadi pembicaraan hangat di forum internet terbesar di Indonesia Kaskus.

Boleh jadi Shinta dan Jojo sudah pantas disebut seleb internet saat ini jauh mengalahkan penyanyi Keong Racun aslinya yang menurut hasil pencarian Google bernama Lissa. Nah, apakah fenomena Keong Racun ini bakal mengangkat lagu tersebut atau hanya mengangkat nama Shinta dan Jojo? Tunggu saja!

Lihat Video Keong Racun Shinta and Jojo

Aurelie Moeremans Damai Dengan Multivision

GambarJakarta Aktris muda Aurelie Moeremans sempat mengadukan rumah produksi Multivision Plus karena dianggap menghambat karirnya. Namun kini setelah lima bulan berlalu, perseteruan itu diakhiri dengan perdamaian.

"Aku sekarang sudah bisa bebas, nggak keikat kayak dulu lagi. Sudah berdamai setelah ada pertemuan dengan Kak Seto," jelas Aurelie saat ditemui di Planet Hollywood, Jakarta Selatan, Selasa (27/7/2010).

Sekadar mengingatkan pada Februari 2010 lalu, bintang iklan sebuah provider itu pernah melaporkan Multivision Plus ke Komnas Anak. Aurelie yang saat itu dikontrak eksklusif merasa karirnya dihambat oleh rumah produksi tersebut.

Kini ditegaskan Aurelie, ia sudah tidak lagi terikat dengan Multivision. "Pokoknya sekarang aku sudah tenang dan nggak diiket lagi," tukasnya.

Setelah tak lagi bersama Multivision, dara kelahiran Belgia, 8 Agustus 1993 itu kembali ke dunia akting lewat film 'D'Love'. Dalam film garapan Helfi Kardit itu, Aurelie berperan sebagai putri penyanyi Achmad Albar, Aprilia.

"Ini film ketiga aku. Untuk film ini aku sampai sepuluh hari syuting di daerah kumuh di kawasan Ancol," kisahnya.
Dikutip dari :

Monday, July 26, 2010

Participate Aurel FB Say No to Krisdayanti Online - Participate Aurel FB Say No to Krisdayanti. Eldest daughter Krisdayanti (KD), Aurel, to blaspheme his own mother bear to participate by contributing in an anti-KD on Facebook titled 'Say No to Krisdayanti'. Why Aurel Participate on FB Say No to Krisdayanti?
"Aurel not agree with the action KD, so he joined the group," said attorney KD, Elsie Lontoh, who contacted the reporter, Sunday (07/25/2010).

Actually, KD somewhat surprised by the participation Aurel it. Since KD has been already felt quite open to the children about his relationship with Raul Lemos.

Related News :
Krisdayanti Putus Dengan Raul Lemos

Indonesian Idol Citra or Igo ?

News Online - Indonesian Idol Citra or Igo ?. Two Indonesian Idol contestant, Citra (YogyakartaIndonesian Idol) and Igo (Ambon), entered the Grand Final of Indonesian Idol 2010.Keduanya opportunity to become the next superstars, after they have successfully demonstrated the best performance.

Their appearance is stable during the round Spectacular Show, making them more mature musicality. The image has a jazzy vocals, making him the only contestant of the most memorable event during the Indonesian Idol 2010. Igo Similarly, the origin Ambon contestants who possesses all the requirements to become a star, also loved music lovers country. They berdualah who will fight to become the next Superstar of Indonesian Idol 2010. At their appearance in the round of 11 Spectacular Show in Central Park, Jakarta, Friday (23 / 7) last week, two contestants here who have the ability on the average level of other contestants.

In his appearance last week, the image of a duet with her idol singers, Tompi, able to amaze the entire audience that packed the Central Park. Singing "Menghujam Jantungku", as if hypnotized to image the entire audience. Furthermore, improvisation and Tompi image shown is able to bring a very different nuance. "To look you once, I ought to give applause," said Sam as he stood. This is the first time Jasmine gave praise to the skies, to the contestant round Indonesian Idol 2010 Spectacular Show.

Indonesian Idol Citra or Igo ? Both contestants here's what would later become one of the superstars in the Indonesian Idol 2010. Together, they will fight to fight over the next Indonesian Idol Superstar 2010 will be held next week in Central Park. Who is eligible to become a superstar.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Agnes Monica Bugil Manohara Foto Syur Asli Atau Palsu

News Online - Agnes Monica Bugil Manohara Foto Syur Real Or Not. Polisi dituntun cepat dalam menangani maraknya kejahatan didunia maya yang kerap kali menyudutkan lelakon artis. Setelah kasus video mesuk ariel, luna dan cut tari terbukti kebenarannya di susul dengan video hubungan intim yang berjudul mengatasnamakan Fatma Trans Tv. Kini Artis muda dan cantik Agnes Monica di sudutkan dengan tudingan beredarnya foto bugil agnes monica di internet Sebelumnya Manohara odeliapinot juga dikabarkan ber foto syur.

Entahlah apakah ini ulah dari oknum pihak pikah yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang memanfaatkan boomingnya kasus luna maya ariel peterpan dan cut tari sebulan belakangan ini. Ataukah disinyalir adanya kebenaran atas pemberitaan tersebut? Berikut telisik News Online seputar pemberitaan Foto Bugil Agnes Monica. bugil wanita mirip Agnes Monica yang beredar didunia maya, diduga foto palsu alias rekayasa. Bukti otentik sementara yang menjadi acuan adalah tidak adanya tanda lahir Agnes di tubuh wanita yang ada di foto bugil tersebut.
Alasan kedua adalah kejanggalan make up yang ada di foto tersebut ungkap manajer Agnes monica.

Chris, manajer Agnes dengan tegas membantah kalau foto seksi tanpa busana di atas bathup tersebut adalah Agnes Monica. "Nggak mungkin Agnes kalau mandi pakai make up. Setahu gue kalau Agnes mau mandi pakai cuci muka dulu," bantah Chris, manajer Agnes Monica, saat ditemui di Studio RCTI, Kebon Jeruk, Jakarta Barat, Senin (19/7).

Source pic :
Referensi News :,,

Monday, July 19, 2010

Rikas L-Men 2010

News Online - Rikas L-Men 2010. Rikas medapat gelar L-Men 2010. Prifile Rikas, dia adalah seorang penggemar motor gede berasal dari kota Lampung. Tampaknya ini menjadi awal kariernya setelah usaha keras mentransformasi gaya hidup sehat, dengan tubuh ideal dan atletis. Rikas juga merupakan Best Transformation Project dengan judul project "From Zero to Hero".

"Pemerintah sudah mempunyai program gizi seimbang dan pola makan sehat, saya ingin membantu menyebarkan pesan ini. Caranya berangkat dari dapur setiap keluarga. Dengan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik, setiap orang bisa bebas dari penyakit degeneratif seperti jantung atau stroke," paparnya dalam Grand Final L-Men of the Year 2010, Minggu (18/7/2010) lalu.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Lindsay Lohan Avoiding Jail at Pickford Lofts

Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay Lohan is trying to avoid prison by checking into Pickford Lofts rehab, owned by lawyer Robert Shapiro.
Robert Shapiro was also recently hired by Lindsay to handle her legal troubles. Shapiro opened the rehab facility after losing his son to a drug overdose in 2005.
Lindsay has already received visited from her mom, sister, ex Samantha Ronson, assistant Eleanor and her rumored new love obsession Eilat Anschel.
Reports say that lawyer Shapiro will now try to convince Judge Marsha Revel to allow Lindsay to stay in a detox clinic and to also reduce her jail sentence or get rid of it completely.
Lindsay Lohan, now 24 years old, was recently sentenced to 90 days in jail for violations the terms of her probation from her DUI case. She must surrender on July 20th.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Music Editor Peterpan Arrested, As with spreaders Videos Ariel Luna, Cut Tari

ArielNews Online - Music Editor Peterpan Arrested, As with spreaders Videos Ariel Luna, Cut Tari. Ariel porn video thief, RJ, known as a music editor Peter. The producer was related to his team is now evaluating the issue.
"I have not been able to talk. I again look at what else is true (RJ) was there. Because of Peter's team a lot," says Capung (producer Peterpan), when contacted a number of journalists on Thursday (16/07/2010).

Capung are also the Java Jive band's guitarist would first check who it was RJ. Therefore he can not talk much.

Currently Polrestabes RJ (Music Editor Peterpan Arrested) has been in Bandung. He is known to take pornographic videos of personal data without the knowledge of the owner of Ariel.

Replica Watches

It is amazing to see how replica watches of most famous watch-making brands have come and dominated the watch industry. A few years back, there was no concept of fake watches. But the high prices of branded watches and their containment within only a specific social circle, paved the way for cheap fake watches. Fake watches of all the pioneer brands like Breitling (replica Breitling), Omega, Jaeger-LeCoultre, Cartlier (Cartier replica), Panerai and U-Boat etc. These fake watches have startling similar outlook to their original counterparts. The original shape is copied to a precision of more than 95% so that none but an expert can recognize the difference and tell whether somebody is wearing an original Swiss quality branded watch or it’s a fake one.
These fake watches contain some quality too. Although fake watches have a bit lower quality as compared to the replica watches; yet they are equally successful in the market. The compensation comes in the form of the lower price. These watches can be purchased even with a price of a few US dollars. Due to the little difference in shape and internal components, no legal action can be taken against the supplier or manufacturer of these fake watches. Even to avoid any complication, some difference is kept when putting on the logo of the brand. This makes them a perfect alternative to their costly branded counterparts. Besides, in the price of a single original watch, one can purchase quite a large collection of different fake watches. One can wear a different original branded looking watch on daily basis. To stay in, and to keep oneself up with the current fashion, fake watches are the perfect alternatives to costly branded watches. One can look equally fashionable, stylish and elegant while wearing these fakes as he would look when he’s wearing an original, branded watch. These qualities make the fake watches a must-have for a person with good taste and meager income.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

UFO Over Chinese Airport

ChinaHangzhou070710Image3 300x198 UFO Over Chinese Airport PHOTO & VIDEONews Online - UFO Over Chinese Airport.
UFO Over Chinese Airport PHOTO & VIDEO.
Apparently a UFO was flying over the Xiaoshan Airport in China. Watch UFO Over Chinese Airport

Photos recently surfaced but there is no word yet on if these photos are legit.
There are also videos of the UFO over the Chines Airports as well.

Seems like the Chinese airport security didn’t want to take any risks and the airport was shutdown momentarily.
Over at they received the China UFO photos along with this email that they posted:
Now today on July 13, Neil Gould with Exopolitics Hong Kong sent me the following email and alleged photographs of the same aerial phenomenon over Hangzhou that closed the Xiaoshan Airport.
From: Neil Gould
Subject: Xiaoshan Airport Closure and More UFO Images
Date: July 13, 2010 3:26:22 AM MDT
To: Linda Moulton Howe
Hi Linda
Pls read report from my China assistant
who has taken the news from her source in China.
I cannot vouch for the authenticity of the
UFO depicted which are claimed as true.
China is full of lies!!!
But I can vouch for the similarity of the description.
What is unusual in this instance is that
the incident seems to have been placed into a higher level of secrecy
Quote: “One staff working in the airport mentioned that a huge long strip shaped object appeared on the radar, height about 3200M, passed the north higher sky of the airlines. It is regarded as UFO temporarily after eliminating all the possibilities. And it is upgraded as top secret.” Unquote
I am e mailing you several of the pictures
in the next few mails. Cannot vouch for authenticity of pictures.
Neil Gould
Exopolitics Hong Kong

Luna Maya Ditahan

News Online - Luna Maya Ditahan. Luna Maya menyusul kekasihnya ariel peterpan. Saat ini Luna maya telah resmi menjadi tahanan Mabes Polri.

"Informasinya sudah, sejak pukul 22.00 WIB tadi malam," ujar Kabid Penum Mabes Polri Kombes Marwoto saat dihubungi lewat telepon, Kamis (15/7/2010).

Lalu yang menjadi keingin tahuan publik apakah Luna Maya juga bernasip sama, mendekam dalam kurungan penjara Mabes Polri seperti Ariel peterpan? Untuk hal ini Marwoto belum mengetahui informasi yang lengkap mengenai hal tiu.

Gambar"Saya tidak tahu ada di mana, apa di Polda apa di Kelapa Dua," ujar Marwoto.

Luna Maya ditahan setelah dirinya minta maaf pada masyarakat mengenai pemberitaan video porno yang beredar di internet. Namun sampai saat ini masih belum ada pengakuan yang lugas dari mulut luna maya berbeda dengan Cut Tari yang sudah mau mengaselain minta maaf juga mengaku kalau dialah wanita yang ada di video skandal tersebut.

Video Fatma Trans Tv

News Online - Video Fatma Trans TV. Kabar beredar dari salah satu stasiun televisi swasta yaitu Trans TV. Dengan adanya berita yang mengatakan bahwa beredarnya video porno dengan judul "Fatma-Trans TV" konon diperankan oleh karyawan perusahaan Trans Tv. Namun Pihak Trans Tv membantah adanya kabar tersebut.

Menurut keterangan dari Hadiansyah Lubis selaku Head of Marketing Public Relations Trans TV  video yang beredar di Internet  itu  semata mata diambil dari sebuah laman porno oleh oknum dan mengganti judul videonya menjadi "Fatma-Trans TV". " Hal ini semata mata bertujuan untuk menjatuhkan citra TransTV,"

Trans TV mengambil langkah untuk melaporkan peredaran Video Fatma Trans Tv ke Bareskrim Mabes Polri untuk mengusut pelaku serta penyebar video porno tersebut.

Referensi News :,20100715-263631,id.html

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Watching Twilight Eclipse Movie Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart

News Online - Watching Twilight Eclipse Movie Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart.
Robert Pattinson and Kristen StewartRobert Pattinson аnԁ Kristen Stewart – Watching Twilight Eclipse Movie – If уου thіnk thаt Robert Pattinson аnԁ Kristen Stewart arent together, well thіnk again, Paparazzi hаѕ јυѕt seen thе couple watching thе Premiere οf Twilight Eclipse іn Nеw York.

Thіѕ іѕ going tο bе аn іntеrеѕtіnɡ development fοr thе two аftеr thе rumors thаt Robert Pattinson аnԁ Kristen Stewart hаѕ already called іt quits, BUt seems Ɩіkе thеу аrе secret lovers аftеr аƖƖ. People аrе now іntο thе details thаt both Robert Pattinson аnԁ Kristen Stewart аrе really having something іn between thеm.
Aftеr thе success οf thе third installment οf Twilight Saga whісh іѕ eclipse whісh іѕ mаkіnɡ bіɡ іn Theaters аnԁ movies, Whаt wіƖƖ happen next tο thеm? WіƖƖ Breaking dawn bе way better? wе wіƖƖ hаνе tο find out soon, Enјοу thіѕ Rumor аnԁ gossip аѕ wе find out more between Robert Pattinson аnԁ Kristen Stewart Watched Twilight Eclipse Together.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Watch Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Episode 5: Reality Bites Me Online

News Online - Watch Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Episode 5: Reality Bites Me Online. Let’s put our hands together and welcome this newest episode of Pretty Little Liars that will surely hand us anxiety and ecstasy. Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Episode 5: Reality Bites Me is set to be in public this coming July 6, 2010 and will continue to haunt Spencer Hastings (Troian Bellisario), Hanna Marin (Ashley Benson), Aria Montgomery (Lucy Hale), and Emily Fields (Shay Mitchell).

watch prett little liars season 1 episode 5 reality bites me onlineThe situations are now getting knotty as the reality will bites the girls. The girls will now pay the price on ignoring “A”. Whether it is a family in crisis, parental praise for an undeserved honor looming over their head or wearing totally unfashionable scrubs while working off a debt – the girls must deal with it all. And there’s no turning back. Meanwhile the girls must also deal with typical teenage drama – the boy kind – when a new boy arrives and pushes the status quo, a secret love is tested, a new romance blooms and an old romance is floating in the grey area.

Will there be hope for the girls now that “A” is determined to allege them? And who is this mysterious “A”? Many questions remain unsolved but will divulge little by little in right time. Right now let’s watch Pretty Little Liars Season 1 Episode 5: Reality Bites Me online and continue following the tracks of these pretty little chic.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Rossa Married

News Online - Rossa Maried. Rossa petite singer is rumored to be married this year by a businessman. And early July of this plan Yoyok ex-wife 'Paddy' was spoken for. Hot News Rossa Married was originated from his Twitter account that wrote 'Insya Allah abis lebaran, pray proposal mid-month (July 2010) this'. Is this true? Rossa Married?

But the rumors were denied managers happy OCHA. that's not true. If married you would know, "he asserted to be contacted via cell phone.